Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

How to relax in an overstimulated, stressful world

For the best quality of life, relaxation is as important as exercise, nutrition, sleep and a sense of purpose. Today, we live in a hurry-up, multitasking, overstimulated, stressful world and we don’t get enough relief in the form of relaxation. The trouble is, many people just don’t know how to relax – and worse, they feel guilty about doing it!
The workaholic mentality is highly destructive to productivity and health.
Relaxation is necessary. The cost of too little relaxation is poor health and lack of well-being.
Learning how to relax is essential for stress management and good health but too often relaxation is relegated to the bottom of the list of urgent to-do’s.

Take Care of YOU

But ask yourself, why is getting absolutely everything done more important than... your health and well-being? The truth is, you have to take care of yourself before
you take care of anyone else. Before you can truly relax and decompress, learn to prioritize so you can let go. Get rid of nonessential things for a while and then, if you’re inclined to bring them back into your life reintroduce them one at a time until you intuitively feel you’ve got enough on your  plate and anything more would be too much.
There’s nothing wrong with being in Superman mode when necessary. The problem is not getting enough rest in between. And if your life is particularly busy, the rest you get at night may not be enough. If you’re waking up groggy wishing you could stay in bed for another hour, you can benefit from some down time during the day.
Juggling career, kids, relationships, the household and your own physical, emotional, spiritual and mental needs IS possible IF you take the time to give yourself excellent care. That’s where many people fall short. We just don’t take the time for ourselves to recharge our batteries or balance our lives. This means that much of our time is spent recovering or overcompensating!
Effective relaxation techniques recharge your batteries in a short time by:
  • Slowing your heart rate
  • Calming you when you’re stressed
  • Reducing anger, frustration, anxiety and depression
  • Reducing muscle tension (especially nice for getting rid of those stress-induced knots)
  • Improving mental clarity by releasing stress
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Promoing inner peace
Source : http://www.silvalifesystem.com/articles/mindcontrol/how-to-relax/

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