Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

MesaStila - The Healing Art of Jamu

Jamu Healing
Javanese calls Jamu for herbal remedies, without chemist material as additive. Jamu has traditional connotation, because Jamu is ancient tradition, before modern pharmacology comes in Indonesia. Some formulas have a hundred years old and are used until now. Dukun' or 'tabib', a traditional doctor has been introducing this mention in ancient era.From them, drinking Jamu tradition has been popular in common people. And now, almost 80% of Indonesian people ever consume Jamu. For Indonesian people, Jamu is very popular as milk popularity for western.

History of Jamu
The origin of Jamu is obscure. No one really knows its source. However, popular stories link first Jamu to seventeenth century Mataram Hindu Empire, where ladies of the palace who rather preoccupied with keeping themselves young and beautiful for their husband undertook the preparation of Jamu and herbal cosmetics. And Madhawapura's Inscription from Majapahit Empire tells us about 'Jamu maker ' that call as Acaraki. This tradition was being flourished in the palace of Jogjakarta and Solo princes, those become main reference for manufacturers Jamu in Indonesia. But until the early of 20th century, this tradition is still exclusively, only    aristocrat communities doing this. Since 1910, Tan Swan Nio and Siem Tjiang Nio hold Djamoe Industrie en Chemicalen Handel "IBOE" Tjap 2 Njonja in Surabaya to produce Jamu for common people. And history of modern Jamu has begun.

Traditional Jamu Recipes

 1 nutmeg; 1 mug boiling water.
Method : Remove skin from mace of nutmeg Place skinless mace in a paper or plastic bag and crush with hammer. Put in a mug and pour boiling water over the top. Allow to stand for at least 30 minutes. Drink before going to bed.

Grandmother root of turmeric : pinch of salt.
Method : Peel and grate the grandmother root of turmeric and squeeze out the juice in a piece of clean muslin cloth. Add a glass of warm water and drink. Turmeric is also used for wound antiseptic.

Cough Remedy
Ingredients: 1 medium sized galangal; a little salt
Method: Peel and grate the galangal and squeeze out the lime water and mix ingredients together in a glass. Add with a little salt. Drink the recipe for 3 times a day. It can be added by cardamon

To Reduce Swelling
Ingredients:  Old tamarind , salt, small amount of water.
Method: Mix the three ingredients to a paste. Massage the affected area daily till the swelling subsides. Can be used for any swelling especially swollen feet.

Sore Throat Remedy
50-100  g fresh ginger ; a tumblers of water.
Method: Peel and slice the ginger into fine strips. Boil in water for 5 minutes. Either strain or pour off the liquid and drink while hot morning and evening till recovered.

 1 nutmeg; 1 mug boiling water.
Method : Remove skin from mace of nutmeg Place skinless mace in a paper or plastic bag and crush with hammer. Put in a mug and pour boiling water over the top. Allow to stand for at least 30 minutes. Drink before going to bed.

Grandmother root of turmeric : pinch of salt.
Method : Peel and grate the grandmother root of turmeric and squeeze out the juice in a piece of clean muslin cloth. Add a glass of warm water and drink. Turmeric is also used for wound antiseptic.

Cough Remedy
Ingredients: 1 medium sized galangal; a little salt
Method: Peel and grate the galangal and squeeze out the lime water and mix ingredients together in a glass. Add with a little salt. Drink the recipe for 3 times a day. It can be added by cardamon

To Reduce Swelling
Ingredients:  Old tamarind , salt, small amount of water.
Method: Mix the three ingredients to a paste. Massage the affected area daily till the swelling subsides. Can be used for any swelling especially swollen feet.

Sore Throat Remedy
50-100  g fresh ginger ; a tumblers of water.
Method: Peel and slice the ginger into fine strips. Boil in water for 5 minutes. Either strain or pour off the liquid and drink while hot morning and evening till recovered.

PO Box 108 Magelang 56100 Central Java - INDONESIA  P. (62-298) 596 333 | F. (62-298) 592 696  

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Po Box 108 Magelang Desa Losari - Grabag Central Java 56100 INDONESIA P.(62-298) 596333 | F.(62-298) 592 696 info@stila.mesahotelsandresorts.com www.mesahotelsandresorts.com/mesastila
