Senin, 27 Januari 2014

7 Keys to Weight Loss

Recent research shows that we are not victims of our genetics. The fact that your genetic makeup may predispose your body to put on excess weight does not mean you’re destined to be obese. We are not slaves to our genes! Your habits alter the genetic expression of your genes. There is no “quick fix” solution – those who lose weight and keep it off maintain a healthy lifestyle and form permanent habits of staying active and eating healthily. Once you’ve been obese, you will not be able to return to the amount of calories that a normal person of your size should eat unless you’re particularly active. This is particularly true of childhood obesity, which changes your genetic predisposition. Who wants to look and feel great, live longer healthier, and thrive?

Keys to Lose Weight and Keep it Off : 
  1. Start a resistance-training programGrowth hormone is boosted via intensely exercising fast-twitch muscles for brief periods of 10 – 30 seconds. Cardio, aerobics and even many strength-training exercises do not increase growth hormone, thus minimizing their efficacy for weight-loss. For growth hormone to be activated, you need to work out intensely, and sweat profusely. At Mesastila we have resistance training as part of our wellness program. You can also book private Personal Training sessions, and work out at our outdoor jungle gym, or indoor gym facility. There's a range of options to choose from.
  2. Focus on your digestion. I suggest Chi Nei Tsang (Abdominal Massage) as the best way to stimulate weight loss outside of what you eat. This is because it stimulates detoxification and addresses the underlying emotional stress that is causing the issue. 
  3. Improve the quality of the food you eat. It’s not as simple as just calories in/calories out. It’s the quality of calories that counts. I teach 3 really simple principles to get this right: Organic, Raw and Alkaline. 
  4. Avoid bad fats and get plenty of good fats. It’s important to develop an understanding of good fats versus bad fats. Good fats are found in Paleolithic sources like raw nuts, organic greens, wild animals, wild fish (not farmed) and seeds (hemp and flax seed are my favorites).
  5. Avoid sugar. Sugar addiction is another thing that can easily lead to yo-yo dieting, so avoid sugar, high fructose corn syrup, fructose, and other hidden sugars. Instead of sugar-laden, over-processed hot chocolate, invest in cocoa – available in your nearest health store – an amazing food source of muscle-relaxing magnesium and antioxidants for muscle recovery. 
  6. Keep your immune system in great health. The two primary culprits I come across for suppressed immune function, are fatigue and stress. Get plenty of rest and relaxation, and listen to your body. If you’re going to use supplements, Maca is my number one superfood.
  7. Keep meal portions small especially if they’re cooked. If you do eat cooked food, eat it with raw food – as cooked food alone leads to a reactive immune response. Combining raw and cooked is the solution. Keep your blood sugar levels consistent throughout the day via regular nutrient-rich snacks and meals. My favorites are raw nuts and berries, especially delicious with a dab of organic yogurt. Consider also adding green vegetable juices and smoothies. I recommend the fabulous "Peak MesaStila" (pear, cabbage, celery, watercress, lime).
I hope these simple tips will help get you on the path to better health and feeling better about yourself.

To kickstart your digestion and weight-loss journey, see David, our Visiting Naturopath for a Chi Nei Tsang, Wellness Consult or other specialised treatments when you join us.

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